- Players form their own teams
- Managers enters the team via the link below - 1 entry per team
- Leagues fill up very quick! Team registrations are first in first served. If you sign up late you run the risk of missing out. If the league is full we will create a waiting list.
- Managers collects money from players and they are responsible of paying the team entry invoice to NSU
- Team entry invoice MUST be paid prior to the start of Summer Football - NO PAY NO PLAY
- If you or your child can't find a team to play in. Please see this spreadsheet and you can put your name down in this google spreadsheet and teams who are looking for players can make contact. CLICK HERE to add your name to this spreadsheet. If there is enough players looking for a team, a new team could be formed, someone would need to commit to being the manager.
- Team managers need to be present at the games
- See rules below
- See FAQ below
- Team Entries for all leagues: CLICK HERE
- Individual player sign ups for School Years 0 & 1 (Individual):CLICK HERE
- Monday Night Girls Leagues: CLICK HERE
The links below will take you to the fixtures for this coming week and next weeks games with field allocations.
- Tuesday Night Fixtures: *Link will appear here when teams are confirmed*
- Thursday Night Fixtures: *Link will appear here when teams are confirmed*
- Thursday Night Fixtures: *Link will appear here when teams are confirmed*
- Friday Night Fixtures: *Link will appear here when teams are confirmed*
Scores will not be recorded for all 7 week programmes, except for the Year 9 & 10 League, Year 11, 12 & 13 League. The reason for this is to ensure the focus of Summer Football is on the social aspect, where players can turn up, play with their friends without any pressure to perform. We pride ourselves on creating a very social fun environment for our Summer Football Leagues.
Scores will be recorded for all 12 week Senior Leagues, Senior Social Mixed League & Senior Premiership Mixed league. These leagues will have league tables. Here is the link to the League Republic website to view those leagues:CLICK HERE. Also via this link you can see all the upcoming fixtures for your team, please note there isn't any field allocations on these fixtures though.
Allen Hill Stadium
Please ensure you check the document below to ensure your team is fully aware of the rules: CLICK HERE
- 7 weeks - School Year 0 - 13 Mixed Leagues -Starting week beginning Monday 21st October - Ending week beginning Monday 2nd December
- 12 weeks for all Senior Leagues - Will run the same dates as above but will then restart: Wednesday 15th January for Senior O35's + and Senior Walking Football and Thursday 16th January for Senior Social & Premiership and will run for an additional 5 weeks, finishing Wednesday 12th February and Thursday 13th February respectively.
- All leagues are 7aside format where we recommend teams of 9 players, with the following exceptions:
- Senior Social League & Senior Premiership League - will be 5aisde format
- School Year 0 & 1 Turn Up and Play games which will be 3 v 3 or 4 v 4 games depending on players who turn up, as players register as an individual.
- Girls Monday Night Leagues - Turn Up & Play games and the number aside will depend on the player who turn up and register as an individual.
After completion of your team registration, the team manager will be invoiced the team fee. Please ensure this fee is promptly paid.
- The 7 week programmes as stated below is $275 per team entry. For a team of 9 players (2 subs for 7aside), this works out to be around $5 a week per player!
- The 12 week programmes as stated below is $495 per team entry. For a team of 8 players (3 subs for 5aside), this works out to be around $5 a week per player!
- School Years 0 & 1 (Mixed) & Monday Night Girls Leagues - $35 Individual Payment - Players parents will be invoiced individually
- Cancellation prior to competition start date - FULL REFUND
- Cancellation or remaining tournament after start date - Pro-rata refund for the remaining weeks minus $50 for set up costs and purchases.
- Cancellation after 80% of competition complete - NO REFUND.
Scores will not be recorded for all 7 week programmes, except for the Year 10, 11 & 12 League. The reason for this is to ensure the focus of Summer Football is on the social aspect, where players can turn up, play with their friends without any pressure to perform. We pride ourselves on creating a very social fun environment for our Summer Football Leagues.
Scores will be recorded for all 12 week Senior Leagues. These leagues will have league tables.
Mondays - Starting Monday 21st October
- School Years 2 - 4 Girls Only & School Years 5 & 6 Girls Only - 4.45pm - 5.30pm (players sign up as individuals)
- School Years 7 & 8 Girls Only & School Year 9 - 13 Girls Only - 6.15pm - 7.00pm (players sign up as individuals)
Register as an individual and teams will be formed each evening based on the girls who turn up. CLICK HERE to register.
Tuesdays - Starting Tuesday 22nd October
- School Years 9 & 10 Mixed League - 5.30pm - 6.15pm
- School Years 11, 12 & 13 Mixed League - 6.15pm - 7.00pm
Wednesday - Starting Wednesday 23rd October
- Senior O35's + (teams formed each week, players sign up as individuals) - 6.30pm - 7.30pm - Turn and speak to Alex Harbour
- Senior Men's Walking Football - 6.00pm - 7.00pm - Any questions to speak to Dave Coshan -
Thursday - Starting Thursday 24th October
- School Year 0 Mixed - 3.45pm - 4.30pm (players sign up as individuals)
- School Year 1 Mixed - 3.45pm - 4.30pm (player sign up as individuals)
- School Year 2 Mixed - 4.30pm - 5.15pm
- School Year 3 Mixed - 5.15pm - 6.00pm
- Senior Social League - 6.15pm - 7.00pm - FULL
- Senior Premiership League - 7.00pm - 7.45pm
Friday - Starting Friday 25th October
- School Year 4 Mixed - 3.45pm - 4.30pm
- School Year 5 Mixed - 4.30pm - 5.15pm
- School Year 6 Mixed - 5.15pm - 6.00pm
- School Year 7 Mixed - 6.00pm - 6.45pm
- School Year 8 Mixed - 6.45pm - 7.30pm - FULL
We have done our best to ensure we don't clash with other sports.The leagues that are full, we will remove them from the registration form. If you are wanting to enter into a league which is full. Please let Ryan Ward know, and we can place you on the waiting list.
North Shore United Fantails Girls Hubs - Term 4
- Girls 4 - 6 year olds hub: Thursdays @ Allen Hill Stadium - 3.45pm - 4.30pm
- Girls 7 - 8 year olds hub: Thursdays @ Allen Hill Stadium - 3.45pm - 4.30pm
- Girls 9 - 10 year olds hub: Thursdays @ Allen Hill Stadium - 4.30pm - 5.15pm
- Girls 11 - 12 year old hub: Thursday @ Allen Hill Stadium - 4.30pm - 5.15pm
Start Dates & End Dates - 7 Sessions in total in term 4
- All Hubs - Thursday 24th October - Thursday 5th December
Register: CLICK HERE
North Shore United Kickin It Girls Hubs - Term 4
- 13 - 19 Year Olds - Monday 21st October - Monday 4th December (8 weeks) - 3.15pm - 4.15pm @ Takapuna Grammar School
Register: CLICK HERE
Please select Takapuna Grammar on the Hub list drop down menu when registering.
How are teams created?
Players create their own teams and the team decides on a team manager who will register their team via the google form above. For all the team manager must be present for every game to run subs etc.
What happens if I don't have a team to play in?
If you don't have a team to play in then you can put your name down in this google spreadsheet and teams who are looking for players can make contact. CLICK HERE to add your name to this spreadsheet.
What happens if we don't have enough players for our team?
Please look on this spreadsheet to make contact with individual players who are looking for players. CLICK HERE to see which players are looking for teams to play in.
How do we pay?
The team manager will be invoiced by the NSU club manager. The team manager will need to collect from all players the share of the team fee. The team fee will need be paid by the team manager before the first game.
What happens if the league is full?
We can only accommodate a set number of teams as we have limited field space at Allen Hill Stadium. Bayswater Park is getting renovated so we are unable to use Bayswater. Registrations are first come, first served. If you sign up late you run the risk of missing out. If the league is full we will create a waiting list.
Will Allen Hill Clubrooms be open?
Yes, the clubrooms will be open, please look to bring your team back into the clubrooms for a bite to eat and drink!