Welcome to North Shore United A.F.C
2025 Women's First Team Pre-Season
Join Us on Our Journey for an Exciting 2025 Season!
North Shore United Women's pre-season has already kicked off for the 2025 season! However, it's not too late to meet our coaching staff and our current playing squad as we prepare for the upcoming season. Whether you're looking to switch clubs, return to football, or give it a try for the first time, we welcome players of all levels to join us on our journey.
We’re actively recruiting for the 2025 season and would love to have you on board.
Training Details:
Tuesdays: Ngataringa Sportsfields
Thursdays: Takapuna Grammar School Top Field
6pm - 7.30pm
Don't miss out—come be part of our growing team. We can’t wait to see you there!
All enquires contact Women's First Team Coach Joe Hughes.
2025 Registrations are NOW OPEN
North Shore United is a friendly, community focused, inclusive football club based in Devonport on the North Shore of Auckland. We have Men's, Women's, Youth, Junior and First Kicks teams. Please click on the appropriate tab above to find out more information on your desired age group.
Here is the fee structure for the 2025 season.
- First Kicks = $210
- Juniors 9th - 12th Grade = $330
- Youth 13th - 17th Grade = $370
*Please note this covers the coaching of one training session and one game during Terms 2 & 3. This fee also goes towards to the running of the club, gear renewal, coach education etc. When the fee is broken down for each age group, it equates to around $6 per hour of football activity. There is also a third child discount which is 50% discount off the lowest priced child. Please email our NSU Club Manager - Stephen Millham - clubmanager@nsu.org.nz with regards to this discount.
There are additional fees for:
- Pre-Season Football Programmes
- First Kicks Additional Coaching
- Juniors Skills Centre
- Youth Development Programme
- Friday Night Fun Football
This information is found on the respective tabs.
- Senior Team Invoices will be sent directly to the team manager
- Any new senior teams please contact Senior Convenor, Jack Collinson, Seniors@nsu.org.nz
- Discounted fee available for tertiary students please contact clubmanager@nsu.org.nz for more information
Age Groups By Birth Year
Here is a list of all 2025 age groups based on year born. Please note there is flexibility to move players up or down in order to ensure players play with friendships groups and to align with school football which is based on school year.
Born 2020 - 5th Grade
Born 2019 - 6th Grade
Born 2018 - 7th Grade
Born 2017 - 8th Grade
Born 2016 - 9th Grade
Born 2015 - 10th Grade
Born 2014 - 11th Grade
Born 2013 - 12th Grade
Born 2012 - 13th Grade
Born 2011 - 14th Grade
Born 2010 - 15th Grade
Born 2009 - 16th Grade (Girls Only)
Born 2008 & 2009 - 17th Grade (Mixed Only)
Born 2007 & 2006- 19th Grade
Born 2006 or earlier - Senior Teams
$2,400 raised so far! Thank you!
What's happening?
It's exciting times for North Shore United as we are working hard over the summer break to bring improvements to the clubrooms. It's thanks to the hard work of our volunteers and the support of our members in fundraising efforts over the past few years, as well as the general growth of the club, that we are in the position to kickoff this project, so thank you all. Our aim is to create a welcoming, pleasant environment for our members and the community to enjoy for years to come.
So what's changing?
Interior works include re-painting, re-carpeting, re-tiling the front entry, removing the fireplace, installing heat pumps, and removing the dance floor.
Exterior works include an extension to the existing deck, a new garden seating area, a concrete path connecting the car park to the field, and replacing the concrete path to the changing rooms.
How can you help?
As always, there’s more to do than we have money for, so we’re asking for help from our membership to complete the project.
- Picnic Tables – Have your name laser engraved on a new picnic table - $1,000 donation – limited availability.
- Platinum donator - $500
- Gold donator - $250
- Bronze donator - $100
All donators will appear on a board to be displayed in the clubrooms. Donations can be made through the website (log in at the top of the page, then in the top right click Menu->Purchase Donations), or by contacting office@nsu.org.nz
NB: NSU is a registered charity and donations are tax deductible.
Like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to keep up to date with the latest news
Here is a link to our Volunteer For Shore page. Please check it out on ways you can help! Click here